Vibrant bouquet of mix flowers


        Celebrate the Season with Vibrant Blooms!

        Indulge in the brilliance of the season with our Summer Harvest Floral Bouquet. Bursting with a mix of vibrant and lively flowers, this bouquet is your ticket to adding a splash of color to any room. Perfect for elevating any occasion, our Summer Harvest bouquets bring the beauty of summer right to your doorstep.

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        • $93.00
        • 465   β€“ Reward points

        Key Features: 

        🌺 Bright and Vibrant Mix:

        Immerse yourself in the lively hues of summer with a bouquet that showcases a vibrant mix of flowers, creating a stunning visual impact.

        🌼 Eye-Catching Centrepiece:

        Elevate your space with an eye-catching centrepiece that exudes the essence of summer, adding a touch of elegance to any room.

        πŸŽ‰ Perfect for Any Occasion:

        Whether it's a celebration or a simple gesture, the Summer Harvest bouquet is a versatile choice to make any moment special.

        🍷 Add-On Delights:

        Enhance your floral gift with our optional add-ons, including a bottle of wine and a personalized greeting card for that extra touch of warmth.

        🚚 Swift Same-Day Delivery:

        Experience the beauty of Summer Harvest without delay. Our same-day delivery ensures your vibrant blooms arrive promptly, fresh and breathtaking.

        Embrace the radiance of Summer Harvest and let Darling Buds - Annandale Florists make every moment bloom with color! Order now for a burst of summer joy!

        Elevate Your Floral Experience with Popular Add-Ons 🌸

        Personalize Your Gift with Premium Add-Ons 🌿

        At Darling Buds of Annandale, we enhance your floral experience with a curated selection of luxury add-ons to complement our stunning flower arrangements. Elevate your gift with:

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